The ChurchText Pro
connection service is uniquely designed to be:
- Easy to use.
- Easy to customize for Prayer Ministry Updates, Capital Campaigns, Individual Ministries, Volunteer Reminders, Retreats, Child-Care Alerts, Q&A for Services.
- Fully automated.
- Web-based.
- Import: Membership and Guest information from your database.
- Non-spam: Members and Guests choose which ministry info they want to receive
- Personalized to receiver by name.
- Individualized information requested by and
relevant to receiver.
- Two-way dialogue from Guests to Church staff
with personal response capability making it possible for Churches to connect with and
gather important experience and psychodemographic information
from willing guests.
- Be uniquely used by each ministry in the church.
- ChurchText Pro is absolutely the best Church Texting Solution.
The ChurchText Pro
connection service can be utilized by Churches to:
- Connect with each Guest in a non-threatening way.
- Create promotional campaigns relevant to each Ministry.
- Connect in real-time to satisfy membership
needs such as special event reminders, child pick-up, and emergency updates.
- Communicate service time and meeting updates to membership in times of inclement weather.
- Survey your congregation during services to know what they are thinking.
- Respond in near real-time to attendees Q&A as a part of worship services.
- Establish guest database information based on our GuesTextTM real time survey
- Send daily devotions; scheduled and sent at specific times.
- Keep in touch with parents during Mother's Day Out.
- Connect with your TV or Internet audience through unique keywords.
- With every response help members and guest know what to do next with active links.
The ChurchText Pro text message system core
technology is fully developed, functional, and ready to be implemented today.
Additional features are in development which
will enhance the product offering and continue to keep ChurchText Pro
out in front as an innovator in communication for Houses of Worship.
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